(Innovation for Data Elaboration in Heritage Areas) Cultural Heritage
IDEHA (Innovation for Data Elaboration in Heritage Areas) is aimed at creating an "open" technological platform that can be used in the context of "Cultural Heritage", combining both digital content from traditional archives and generated information
in "realtime" by users or by environmental sensors relative to the conservation status
structure of historical interest. IDEHA processes and interprets data using new
technologies able to build services that can be used by different users (technical
maintenance, researchers, tourists, etc.) profiled through specific applications
multimodal (e.g. mobile apps) usable on a large scale in cultural sites of all sizes,
distributed over the territory.
Project realized for the MIUR between 11/2018 - 10/2021.
Industrial Research and Experimental Development projects in the 12 areas of specialization identified in the PNR 2015-2020, referred to the D.D. of 13 July 2017 N. 1735, Cup: B26G18001130005
Plant Maintenance Technicians, Building Management Specialists, Public Administration
National Research Council , Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA, Innovaway SpA, University of Bologna
BIM, Node-Red, IoT