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Policies for Gender Equality

UNI PDR 125:2022

Innovaway is committed to supporting the values of diversity, inclusion and gender equality through the adoption of corporate, organizational and management mechanisms based on respect for the rights, freedom and dignity of people. In particular, Innovaway has adopted a management system in accordance with the UNI/PdR 125 reference practice, operating through an approach based on impartiality and does not allow any form of direct or indirect, multiple and interconnected discrimination in relation to gender, age, sexual orientation and identity, disability, state of health, ethnic origin, nationality, political opinions, social category and religious faith. It also promotes the conditions that allow the removal of cultural, organizational and material obstacles that limit the full expression of people and their complete valorisation within the organization. This document incorporates the adopted Code of Ethics and offers the guidelines to be implemented for the creation of a work environment with equal gender opportunities throughout the entire cycle of selection, management, development and career of people.

In particular, Innovaway is committed to:

  1. to attract and hire people with different backgrounds and abilities, pursuing gender equality in the selection and hiring phase through the identification of a shortlist of candidates that tends to be equal between men and women. At the same time, it is committed to emphasizing the importance of meritocracy: Experience, skills and competencies guide in choosing the best candidates. The selection process is strengthened through the adoption of a standardised methodology to ensure equal opportunities at every stage.
  2. to improve the work-life balance of employees in all phases of personal and professional life, including support during and after periods of long absence from work, encouraging the use of parental leave, through coaching procedures for back to work, reversible part-time, smart working, ad hoc welfare plan, company nursery, engagement programs, on a voluntary basis, during maternity leave, etc.;
  3. to offer equal opportunities for training and development without any gender discrimination, defining transparent standards that are consistent with Performance Management and Talent Development processes, including leadership paths, through a process of internal mobility and succession to managerial positions consistent with the principles of an inclusive organization that respects gender equality;
  4. to ensure processes of reintegration into the working context appropriate to the period of absence, also integrating and enhancing the potential skills acquired by the resource during the period of absence from the workplace;
  5. to create an inclusive, collaborative, supportive, transparent work environment open to listening to all staff, regardless of gender diversity;
  6. to guarantee gender pay equity, facilitating the participation and permanence of women in the working context, enhancing their skills and ensuring fair remuneration for jobs and occupations with equivalent socio-economic value. The periodic remuneration interventions, the short and long-term incentive processes and systems are anchored to principles of recognition of the responsibilities assigned, the results achieved and the quality of the guaranteed professional contribution;
  7. to communicate transparently, internally and externally, including including marketing and advertising activities, the desire to pursue gender equality, enhance diversity and support the increase in employment of the female gender;
  8. to have zero tolerance towards harassment and all forms of discrimination related to sex, gender identity, age, origin, religion, gender orientation, physical appearance, health, disability, trade union activity, political opinions, nationality, family situation;

The objectives mentioned above are specified in terms of Performance Indicators (KPIs) and in the Strategic Plan, their achievement is only possible through the commitment of all staff. Therefore, each function manager and all company employees are required to operate in such a way as to comply with what is indicated by the Management System as well as apply the principles contained in this Policy on a daily basis. The Company prepares and disseminates to stakeholders a Communication Plan relating to its commitment to the issues of gender equality and diversity and inclusion, ensuring communication consistent with the principles expressed in this document and in line with the objectives established and implemented through the Strategic Plan.

The Gender Equality Policy will be reviewed periodically during the System review activities, to ensure that employees and collaborators fully understand its contents and commit to implementing them, and stakeholders are always informed of the evolution of the company's reference context. The Top Management has defined, in agreement with the Steering Committee for Gender Equality, all the resources necessary for the implementation of the Strategic Plan, including a budget that will be used to support the concrete initiatives that will be implemented. Top Management commits all staff to compliance with this Policy and the values contained therein, and delegates its implementation, communication and dissemination to the Gender Equality Steering Committee itself. 07/03/2023, Naples Top Management
