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Acquisition of the banking & insurance branch

Taken from
Borsa Italiana
May 2020

La società cresce e amplia il proprio portafoglio d'offerta con servizi ICT dedicati al mercato bancario e assicurativo Innovaway S.p.A. completa l'acquisizione del ramo d'azienda Banking & Insurance di Olisistem Start, Business Unit che ha più di 300 dipendenti tra Torino, Milano, Roma e Napoli, un fatturato superiore a 15 milioni di euro, e fornisce servizi IT di supporto infrastrutturale e servizi di gestione clienti a valore aggiunto.

Thanks to this operation, Innovaway aims to reach an aggregate turnover of around 50 million euros in 2020, and continues the path of expanding its offer with the addition of services dedicated to banks and insurance companies, as well as growth through external lines. “We are proud, even more so in such a complex phase for everyone, to welcome new colleagues to Innovaway. The acquisition allows us to expand our ability to provide ICT services in complex areas - says CEO Antonio Giacomini - thanks to the entry into our Group of over 300 professionals with recognized experience and skills. The new delivery centers increase our ability to guarantee customers operational flexibility and service continuity, values that are increasingly important in supporting digital transformation initiatives.

The banking and insurance sector - explains Giacomini - is in a phase of significant evolution, with a strong focus on the enhancement of digital channels, with priority on mobile banking services, on remote customer identification, on opening up with the outside world and strengthening of infrastructure and security. In these areas, the business unit has more than twenty years of experience behind it, with a focus on ICT services.

The extension of our offer to the banking and insurance sector - declares the general manager Antonio Burinato - consolidates our growth path and, in this sense, the acquisition constitutes a logical step in Innovaway's development plan to become an even more articulated and prestigious reality in the ICT services sector.

Read also: Retelit acquires the Partners Associates Group. Innovaway provides multilingual ICT services to the main national and international companies in various industrial sectors through its offices in Naples, Rome, Milan and Tirana, thanks to its Distributed Delivery model, which allows it to manage work peaks and flexible loads and ensures a high level of resilience, now necessary for remote ICT services, critical precisely in terms of ensuring the continuity of customer activities. To these centers, again through the implementation of the Distributed Delivery model, are added the new centers that were part of Olisistem Start, for a structure that becomes even more solid and with greater proximity to customers. "

The acquisition was made with the support of the Certified Accountants Mauro Ferrara and Gabriele Grasso, who handled the Finance and Tax aspects, and of Prof. Avv. Luca Parrella, for the definition of the civil and corporate scenarios.

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