Cantico the smart lyric

Taken from
Nov 2021

Research project in first place among those presented for a call of the Miur, leader of the Neapolitan Innovaway The ceo Antonio Giacomini: "The economic revival of the arts passes through new technologies"

Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of great operas thanks to augmented reality. Enjoy a 360-degree experience, enriched by the infinite potential of technology. Making the Opera House fit for a young and smart audience and more accessible to those with disabilities. Among other things, by promoting the digitization of the cultural enterprise. These are the objectives of Cantico, a research project that ranked first among those presented for the Call of the Miur of the Call Horizon 2020-Pon "Research and Innovation" 2014/2020 - Design, Creativity and Made in Italy Specialization Area that involves the University of Sannio di Benevento as a research organization, Meditel Srl, Officina Rambaldi Srl, Digitalcomoedia Srl, the State Conservatory of Music "Nicola Sala" as a public body, Eai Software Srl and Step Srl and as leader Innovaway SpA a group that has its headquarters in Naples, where it was founded, which today has more than 1300 employees and an aggregate turnover of 50 million and which offers innovative ICT solutions and services, developed with cutting-edge technologies.

"The economic revival of the arts - says Antonio Giacomini, CEO of Innovaway - passes through the targeted use of new technologies. With the Cantico Project, we aim to ensure Italy a competitive advantage in the field of the cultural industry at a global level. Cantico is a platform that integrates various technologies with the aim of increasing the level of use and knowledge of users towards opera, a very important asset in the economy of culture and an absolute excellence of Made in Italy: opera ".

In fact, the national culture industry currently produces revenues of over 40 billion, equal to about 2.5% of GDP. Yet, in Italy, the total revenues of theaters and opera houses amount to almost 3 billion euros, of which 1.8 billion, around 60%, originated from public and private contributions. "We therefore need to improve the self-financing capacity of opera and prose theaters - continues Giacomini - through both an increase in the audience and a richer offer of services provided. And Cantico wants to broaden the target by bringing young people closer and facilitating those who have a particular interest but are unable for other reasons to use them even with innovative remote use tools, both real-time and on-demand. All this by expanding the sensory experience with holograms and so on. Indeed, consider that the use of any form of art often has architectural and historical barriers to counter. Here technology can help in this case with aids that make it more accessible to those with visual, hearing or other disabilities ”. Data analysis and training of professionals in the sector, thanks to e-learning, complete the work.

«We have concluded the first phase of the project - explains the general manager of Innovaway Antonio Burinato - that is the research phase that designed all the aspects of the development of the platform. And from January we will start with the experimentation in theaters, such as the Reggio di Parma Theater, where we could test the so-called customer experience firsthand. On the other hand, road testing is a must for Innovaway as well as the ability to modulate solutions to make them more suitable for a purpose. In a transversal way, as shown by projects as far away from opera as one can imagine ». Among the many projects of the reality that provides services in 27 different languages ​​and customers in over 200 countries there are Fever Pass, for the screening of body temperature and now the Green Pass in full respect of privacy thanks to artificial intelligence and Mobile Control system for the active control of the territory thanks to the IoT. "Technologies are enabling - concludes Burinato - in a transversal manner and are the great engine of economic awakening, as indeed the PNRR also teaches us well, which focuses heavily on digitization".

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