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Solomax is a project that aims to help patients with cardiovascular disease. The platform ensures the sharing of information among all stakeholders. The Solomax platform aims to reduce the distance between doctor and patient, helping the patient in the path from diagnosis to therapy, focused on cardiovascular diseases.

With the Solomax platform have been realized:

  • Solomax Portal: For sharing information among all stakeholders; blogterapy.
  • SymptomChecker: Symptom search engine that can be consulted by the patient to direct him to the specialist.
  • Diagnosis, prognosis and history: Support diagnosis; Schedule control and vaccination plans; Do epidemiological analysis; Estimate prognosis.
  • Artificial Intelligence: For the analysis aimed at codifying and identifying the occurrence of chronic diseases; for the realization of Virtual Assistant to support the patient; Models to suggest insights; Support the diagnosis and Estimate the prognosis.
  • Telemedicine, Television and Teleconsultation: Assistance to citizens of remote health services using advanced techniques of television, remote consultation and telemonitoraggio.
  • Cybersecurity: To support the privacy and security of the information processed.

Artificial Intelligence enables the detailed analysis of complex data to detect early onset of chronic diseases, enabling preventive interventions and providing diagnostic support and prognosis estimation. The creation of virtual assistants actively supports patients, providing information and reminders for the respect of prescribed therapies thanks to Telemedicine, Television and Teleconsultation.

Realizzato tra  01/2021 - 06/2024 per il MISE- Fondo crescita sostenibile - Settore applicativo “Scienze della Vita”

Finanziamenti da bandi nazionali Ministeriali ed altri EEPP, Finanziatore: Commissione Europea.

Progetto di Ricerca dal titolo “SOLOMAX - SOciaLNetwOrk of MedicAlEXperiences” Prog. n. F/260007/05/X51 - CUP: B49J21031700008


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Case Studies Under the Spotlight


  • Reduce the distance between doctor and patient by supporting the processes from diagnosis to therapy.
  • Assistance to citizens of remote health services.
  • Support for the privacy and security of the information processed.


The Patient, the Caregiver and the Doctor


Innovaway (leader), unisa Dipartimento Informatico , unisa Dipartimento Medico, ERICSSON, Beyond Srl, Clinica Minerva


AI, Data analysis, Data prediction, Smartband algorithms
