The innovation of innovaway alongside the santobono hospital

Taken from
Jan 2021

(ANSA) - MILAN, 30 DEC - Further improve the quality of diagnostics and services offered to young patients who come from all over Southern Italy. With this objective, the Italian group of ICT Innovaway supports the Santobono Pausilipon Hospital in Naples with the purchase of a new equipment for the intensive care unit. In this type of department, with a high care intensity, explains the director of the Santobono Foundation, Flavia Matrisciano, "being able to count on cutting-edge technologies is of fundamental importance". "The sense of responsibility towards our community has led us again this year to do our part in the name of innovation that has always characterized us - adds Innovaway CEO Antonio Giacomini -. Our health care competence center for years has acquired distinctive skills for the world of healthcare and works to promote initiatives and technological solutions in all healthcare facilities, at the forefront in this difficult time for the country ". The Innovaway group, with more than 1,100 employees and an aggregate turnover of 50 million, offers innovative ICT solutions and services, developed with cutting-edge technologies. (ANSA).

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