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Vtex-innovaway: the partnership to accelerate the digitization process

Taken from
Mar 2021

Vtex, named by Gartner as a 'visionary company' and recognized by Idc as both a leader and the fastest growing global commerce platform, and Innovaway, a company operating in a global context with digital transformation projects and services, announce the launch of a partnership that will offer new opportunities for companies that intend to accelerate their digitization process by offering their consumers an excellent and increasingly personalized omnichannel customer experience.

Il gruppo Innovaway, con più di 1100 dipendenti, un fatturato aggregato di 50 milioni, attivo in 7 sedi, offre soluzioni e servizi ict innovativi, sviluppati con tecnologie all'avanguardia; annovera tra i 150 clienti realtà internazionali nel settore del retail e luxury, oltre che dell’industria, dei servizi, del finance, trasporti e settore pubblico. Attraverso la sua market unit dedicata al retail & luxury, Innovaway mette a disposizione dei clienti un’esperienza consolidata più che decennale nell’ambito del service desk sia in ottica B2C che B2B, in 27 lingue h24/7x7/365 e assistenza on site e logistica in 200 paesi, con governance tramite Team dedicati dei processi e dei servizi erogati. Offre inoltre soluzioni applicative di back-end e front-end integrate per il retail e soluzioni innovative iot ad elevato contenuto tecnologico, come ad esempio l’assistente virtuale olografico che sfrutta intelligenza artificiale, mobile up, push notifications, architetture a microservizi, robotic process automation, semantica.

"La partnership con Vtex - afferma Antonio Burinato, dg di Innovaway - rientra nella strategia di sviluppo dell'offerta della market unit retail & luxury. Vogliamo essere al fianco dei clienti nel loro processo di digital transformation attraverso Soluzioni per una customer experience sempre più omnichannel e personalizzata. La leadership di Vtex a livello globale nel campo del digital commerce si integra sinergicamente con la consolidata esperienza verticale di Innovaway per il mercato retail & luxury".

We want to be alongside customers in their digital transformation process through Solutions for a customer experience that is increasingly omnichannel and personalized. Vtex's leadership at a global level in the field of digital commerce is synergistically integrated with Innovaway's consolidated vertical experience for the retail & luxury market "." This partnership - says Antonio Giacomini, CEO of Innovaway - will expand the range of possibilities offered to customers on the Italian and Northern European markets, area in which Innovaway has been operating for years with important commercial investments in countries such as Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg with a BU dedicated to international development. Where Vtex provides the solidity and depth of an ecommerce and omnichannel management platform in all its facets, Innovaway adds the ability to assist customers both from a B2C and B2B perspective with customized and specialized solutions for retail & luxury. This combination will certainly prove to be a differentiating factor for all companies that focus on digital commerce and on offering their customers an increasingly personalized experience in all touch points.

Daniela Jurado, general manager of Vtex for Western Europe, says, “We are extremely proud to welcome Innovaway in our ecosystem. Having a partner like Innovaway offers us the possibility of providing ICT services in complex areas and in different countries, guaranteeing the same quality standard. As we accelerate towards an increasingly omnichannel experience, the smooth integration between online and offline channels becomes essential to meet the specific needs of customers while maintaining a high level of quality and where Innovaway, with its extensive experience in the physical and even online world, will bring us true value.

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