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Innovation in the fashion fashion & retail sector

Taken from
Aug 2022

The world of Fashion and Retail can grow even more and more easily by exploiting the potential of digital innovation, we talked about it during our"Digital Innovation in Fashion & Retail"event which took place on May 5, 2022 in the precious location of Capri. An awareness that is gaining momentum in a rapidly evolving market: this is why we wanted to organize a discussion event with several voices to address the issue of supporting digital innovation in a sector with a very strong creative density.

The speakers of the event were in order of speech:

  • Maurizio Castello e Jacopo Strizzolo, KPMG Partner
  • Daniele Lissoni, Innovaway Retail & Luxury Market Unit Manager
  • Emanuele Frontoni, Full Professor of Computer Science of UNIMC, Co-Director of VRAI Lab at UNIVPM
  • Giuseppe Di Giovambattista, Innovaway R&D Manager
  • Francesco Costa, Carpisa R&D Manager

Interesting ideas emerged from our event, which we are going to summarize below:

According to Maurizio Castello, KPMG Partner, the goal of technology applied to fashion is to help brands make decisions based on data. It is essential that consulting companies are able to help managers make decisions through the support of data, in order to plan structured marketing strategies that are also based on numbers.


Jacopo Strizzolo, KPMG Partner, highlighted the characteristics and purposes of the Merchandising App capable of reading the data common to all brands. This App allows you to provide support to the Merchandising team in finding meaningful and relevant information on which to base your brand strategy. The purpose of this app is to allow brands in the fashion sector to build a product offering that is more consistent with the demands of the market and of their consumers. The solution is focused on ecommerce: the database is populated with data from the entire digital ecosystem, analyzing the online sales of all marketplaces.

Watch this video to hear the complete proposal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psXx3piXexE


Daniele Lissoni, Innovaway Retail & Luxury Market Unit Manager  showed us how important it is for our company to be able to adapt to new customer needs and support management in optimizing performance and activities. Organizational changes that can lead to increased turnover and cost optimization must go through teamwork that also involves the IT team. It is necessary to turn the spotlight on a new 360 ° customer experience because if the organization is able to understand the customer's needs and support him in the various stages of his journey, everything works better.

You can watch the complete speech in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i0EIkBzAXs


Emanuele Frontoni, Full Professor of Computer Science of UNIMC, Co-Director of VRAI Lab at UNIVPM, emphasized artificial intelligence applied to the Fashion and Retail world.

People need to start thinking about the real world and the digital world in an integrated way. Within this integration process there is great human genius, we must avoid being pointed out as those who want to steal creativity from the world of fashion, we operate in an interdisciplinary, digital-creative sector, which takes into consideration that the human creative it is irreplaceable, but that the support of automatic systems is a decisive help. If we can look at each other with mutual trust, we will be able to support the creativity of Made in Italy in an incisive and innovative way.

A very interesting example of the application of artificial intelligence to the retail sector is the use of data collected through cameras.

It is in fact possible to detect:

  • Cluster of buyers (gender, age, singles or couples, families)
  • Passes, stops and entrances for buyers
  • The paths taken by the buyers
  • Buyer interaction with products


Another field of application is connected to the omnichannel of the points of sale, where once it was enough to observe the beauty of the design of a showcase, today thanks to AI it is possible to understand if that showcase is effective. Starting from a sponsored on Instagram, it is possible to measure how many times people have stopped on an object in the physical store.

These are just some of the examples made by Professor Frontoni in our event, if you are interested in learning more, watch the entire video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F18EnF3OFLo


Giuseppe Di Giovambattista, Innovaway R&D Manager told us how fundamental research and development is for the Digital Innovation process. In fact, at Innovaway, we monitor change, analyze technological and market trends and try to bring our vision of the future by tying it to the customer's business needs. It should also be emphasized with conviction that our innovation process goes hand in hand with the ecological transition, otherwise it cannot be considered sustainable innovation.

Another area that concerns innovation is related to our Research and Development service applied to funding calls, in fact, through the new PNRR tools it is possible to access funds for investments in Digital Transformation. Our Challenge Multidisciplinary team manages the entire project life cycle, including the preparation of documentation, reports and the management of the various suppliers involved.

If you are interested in learning more, watch the full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFBtTqB3FOE


The meeting was closed by Francesco Costa, Carpisa R&D Manager, who, as a customer, talked about the digital innovation experience developed with Innovaway.

"With Innovaway - he explained - we immediately understood the meaning of digital innovation in a company like ours: for us, innovating means being able to improve product quality. With our 'smart factory' we have brought innovation to processes of design. And the objectives that have been achieved are important:

  • 60% reduction in prototypes produced for the construction of the collections;
  • 70% reduction in collection creation time (faster time to market);
  • 50% more speed in the purchasing process thanks to the support of the system that simulates the quotation in real time ".

Follow the entire speech on Carpisa's "Digital Factory" in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET4-FA1ad-M

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