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"Innovate: Italy's 5.0 prospects in the world" at the Senate of the Republic

Taken from
Sep 2023

“Innovate: Italy's 5.0 prospects in the world” is the round table promoted by Senator Manfredi Potenti in the splendid Senate Hall “Caduti di Nassirya” moderated by Massimo Lucidi President of the E-Novation Foundation and strongly supported by the knight Riccardo di Matteo, President of Sinergitaly.

“A nice opportunity for institutional discussion with representatives of consolidated companies but also start-ups and spin-offs, which have continuous innovation and social responsibility in common” declares Riccardo di Matteo, President of Sinergitaly. This is echoed by Massimo Lucidi who, with the E-Novation Foundation, aims to affirm the unique Italian model of sustainability and excellence in the world which states: "the small and very small innovative and sustainable Italian company which we like to define as cohesive is an example of the ability to stay on international markets".

“The stories that associations highlight to us in this event – concludes Senator Potenti – are representative of the entire country. There is no longer a South or a North but there are realities and territories that can be distinguished by their capacity for innovation." In fact, there will be present: Angelo Marra President of the Reboot association, Fabio Foglia professor at Bocconi, Antonio Burinato general director of Innovaway Spa, Giorgio Torchio Trc srl, Mattia Gabbiani young Tuscan entrepreneur, Leopoldo Rizzi President of the Magnifica Comunità di Fassa, Angelo Jannone Elektronorm, Fabrizio Jockeys Investjam.

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